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Showing posts with the label remove complaint

Save your business from getting tainted by fixing negative online reviews

When it comes to removing defamatory posts, most often the poster is anonymous and may not show up, which might result in a default judgement. Sometimes the offending website may not remove the content, but 99% of the times Google will honour these court ordered removals. If it cannot be found in the major search engines, then the problem is solved. has partnered with an attorney to offer legal and court ordered removals for negative reviews from search engines and offending websites. Online reputation management to remove negative review has emerged to be a full time job for many business owners due to the fact that it is very crucial to manage and monitor everything that is being said about your business online. In fact, many sites related to fixing bad reputation and complaint reporting provide consumers with a way to voice their frustration and issues with businesses, but often these sites are also used in anonymous manner for defamation. Businesses th