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Showing posts from January, 2018

Hire Professional Complaint Removal Services Today for Reputation Management

There are many websites which have been created with the sole purpose of registering complaint and here consumers who have indeed been cheated can warn others about the company and narrate their experiences. Unfortunately, there are two sides to a coin and not everyone uses the internet responsibly. However, thankfully now you know how to remove bad review and this can be either done by you if you are extremely tech- savvy or you might acquire the help of a professional to do it for you. However, there are specific ways of fixing bad reputation but it is not possible for a layman to do this at all times. There are specific procedures one can follow that will help them to remove their names from Google. One such website is and here it is used as platform by many who would want to warn others about dealing with companies they have not been satisfied with. While is a very trusted website where genuine customers often post comments about real bad experie

Does anyone read Online Remarks and can it Affect Us?

Fixing bad reputation is not a luxury but a necessity today with so many people involved with us online. For someone who is constantly on the social media and always interacting virtually with people, it is often not possible anymore to keep a track of who one is meeting online and who they are interacting with. Again, some might be seeing someone in real life but could have fallen apart due to mutual differences. Or still again, a new brand or company just starting out might have had a few hiccups in the beginnings and the services they had expected to deliver were not as promised. Things might not go right every single time but what makes matter worse when someone takes it personally enough and suddenly goes on a rampage of bad mouthing and maligning that individual and that can be very harmful for that person’s image. His social life might be at stake because frankly, people tend to believe everything that they see on the internet today. There are specific websites like

Save your business from getting tainted by fixing negative online reviews

When it comes to removing defamatory posts, most often the poster is anonymous and may not show up, which might result in a default judgement. Sometimes the offending website may not remove the content, but 99% of the times Google will honour these court ordered removals. If it cannot be found in the major search engines, then the problem is solved. has partnered with an attorney to offer legal and court ordered removals for negative reviews from search engines and offending websites. Online reputation management to remove negative review has emerged to be a full time job for many business owners due to the fact that it is very crucial to manage and monitor everything that is being said about your business online. In fact, many sites related to fixing bad reputation and complaint reporting provide consumers with a way to voice their frustration and issues with businesses, but often these sites are also used in anonymous manner for defamation. Businesses th

Why should you be Concerned about Negative Reviews and Remarks?

Online Reputation Management is not just a matter of luxury today. It is very important to know who is saying what about your business if you want it to thrive. There are loads of users out there who would stop at nothing to post negative comments and reviews, without even considering whether their words can have any drastic consequences. In fact, some users post comments on every site they visit, just for the fun of it and they might not have even used the product or the service before. However, for the business or company about whom these comments are made, it is a nightmare, especially for a new company. It is still in the process of building a client base and hence it can be terribly disconcerting that its prospective clients turn away just because a random stranger has made some comments. The fact is, with today’s growing ecommerce sites, users do look forward to reviews and comments by other previous users before deciding whether they should be opting for the company at all.